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Tips to Keep Mice Out of Your House this Fall

As we get into the crisp days of fall here in Wake Forest, NC, it’s not just cozy sweaters and pumpkin spice making an appearance—mice are on the move, looking for warm spots to spend the cooler months. At Wake Pest, we’ve seen firsthand how quickly a mouse problem can escalate once these little critters make their way inside. But don’t worry! We’re here to share some practical tips to help you keep mice out of your home this fall.

Why Mice Come Indoors During Fall

Mice seek warmth, shelter, and food when the temperatures drop. And they’re surprisingly good at finding their way into homes. Did you know that a mouse can squeeze through a gap as small as a dime? That’s all it takes for them to find their way into your cozy living space.

According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), mice invade an estimated 21 million homes every year in the U.S., with most of those invasions happening during fall and winter. That’s why it’s essential to be proactive before the temperatures drop too low.

1. Seal Up Entry Points

The most effective way to keep mice out is by sealing up any potential entry points around your home. They can sneak in through the tiniest cracks, holes, and gaps, so doing a thorough check of your home’s exterior is key. At Wake Pest, this is always our first step when helping clients prevent infestations.

Here’s a pro tip from us at Wake Pest:

  • Use steel wool for sealing small gaps and holes. Mice can’t chew through it, and it’s much more effective than just using foam or caulk.
  • Check around windows and doors, especially where the weather stripping has worn down.
  • Don’t forget to inspect your attic and basement—these are prime areas where mice can sneak in.

If you’re not sure where to start, we offer thorough inspections to help pinpoint those hard-to-find entryways.

2. Store Food Properly

One thing that attracts mice faster than anything is food. They’re opportunistic eaters, and once they find a steady food supply, they’ll make themselves at home. Be sure to store pantry items like cereal, grains, and pet food in airtight containers. Don’t forget to clean up crumbs or spills right away.

Wake Pest’s pro tip:

  • Avoid leaving pet food out overnight—this is a common source of food for mice.
  • Regularly empty your trash, and make sure your garbage cans have tight-fitting lids.
  • Check under kitchen appliances for crumbs and food particles that often get overlooked.

We’ve seen many cases where simply securing food has drastically reduced mouse activity.

3. Declutter to Eliminate Hiding Spots

Mice love clutter. They use it to hide and nest, especially in basements, attics, and garages. Reducing the amount of clutter around your home can make it far less attractive to them.

Wake Pest’s decluttering tips:

  • Get rid of old newspapers, cardboard boxes, and any clutter that could be used for nesting materials.
  • Store items in sealed plastic bins rather than cardboard boxes. Mice can chew right through cardboard!
  • Organize storage spaces so they’re less inviting for pests.

By removing potential hiding spots, you’re sending a clear message to mice that they’re not welcome.

4. Keep Your Yard Clean

It’s not just the inside of your home you need to think about. Mice can easily find shelter in your yard and eventually make their way indoors. Keeping your yard tidy can discourage them from coming too close.

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Trim back bushes, shrubs, and tree branches that are close to your home. These can act as highways for mice.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from your house and raise it off the ground to prevent mice from nesting there.
  • Clean up fallen fruits, nuts, or seeds in your yard that could attract mice.

A well-maintained yard is your first line of defense.

5. Use Natural Repellents

If you prefer to keep things natural, there are some simple solutions that may help deter mice. At Wake Pest, we’ve found that certain strong scents are unappealing to mice and can help keep them away.

Try these natural repellents:

  • Peppermint oil: Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in areas where you suspect mice might enter.
  • Cinnamon: Mice aren’t fans of the strong scent of cinnamon. Sprinkle some in cupboards or near entry points.
  • Cloves: Another strong scent that repels mice. Place them in areas where mice may be active.

These natural options can be a good complement to your overall prevention strategy.

6. Call the Pros for Help

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, mice still find a way in. If you’ve spotted droppings or heard scratching noises, it’s time to call a professional. At Wake Pest, we offer a comprehensive approach to rodent control. Not only do we help get rid of existing mice, but we also work with you to make sure they can’t come back.

Pro tip from the Wake Pest team: The sooner you act, the better. Mice reproduce quickly—one mouse can turn into a full-blown infestation in no time!

We Can Help – Why Choose Us?

Keeping mice out of your home this fall doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a few proactive steps like sealing entry points, keeping food secure, and staying on top of clutter, you can reduce the chances of these unwanted guests moving in. At Wake Pest, we understand the unique challenges that come with fall, especially when it comes to keeping mice out of your home. Here’s why choosing us makes all the difference:

  1. 1. Local Expertise – Being based right here in Wake Forest, NC, we know the habits and behaviors of the mice specific to our area. This allows us to develop tailored solutions that work best for homes in our community.
  2. 2. Proven Methods – Our pest control techniques are not just industry-standard; they are tried and tested to be effective in keeping mice at bay. We focus on exclusion methods to seal entry points and use safe treatments that target the problem at its source, ensuring long-term protection.
  3. 3. Family and Pet-Friendly Solutions – We prioritize the safety of your family and pets while delivering powerful results. Our products and strategies are eco-friendly, ensuring your home remains a safe space while effectively keeping mice out.
  4. 4. Comprehensive Inspection – We don’t just treat the problem—we thoroughly inspect your home to find out why the mice are entering. We’ll check for potential entry points, food sources, and nesting spots, so we can develop a prevention plan that works year-round.
  5. 5. Quick Response Times – When you notice mice in your home, we know it’s important to act fast. Our team offers prompt service to address the issue quickly and efficiently, giving you peace of mind sooner.

Choosing Wake Pest means partnering with a local expert that’s committed to protecting your home and your peace of mind. Let us help you enjoy a mouse-free fall this season!

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